The case for interaction:
Wherever people happen to be, you can build a client relationship that gives you a big advantage. On-demand presence can make that competitive difference.
Leading merchants stand apart by merging all the skilled and technical resources now available world-wide. Studies prove that responsive customer service is second only to price in the market's selection process .
Omnisyn recognizes customer interaction and relationship management as a critical part of an increasingly competitive and global marketplace. Experience and projections show that global market penetration is still dependant upon a client-driven rather than product-driven approach to business.
Direct contact with your customer is invaluable. On-demand support can make your marketing strategies more compelling in the following ways:
On-demand Support Services
Multi-Lingual Support Layer - In addition to your tier one support we can integrate a live translator on-demand into a conference call or chat. If you prefer we can provide an entire support team to be trained to handle your multi-lingual clients. Omnisyn live support is located in Asia-Pacific, Europe and elsewhere to leverage the time differential in providing competitive sales, service and technical support 24/7/365.
CRM/CIM Integration - We implement the leading eCRM and CIM applications to provide a seamless customer support experience. Customer acquisition and retention is enhanced through a stream-lined client management process. Every customer interaction is automatically archived and protected in secure redundant databases for retrieval, monotoring and management review.
CRM/CIM Implementation - Omnisyn provides multi-lingual training and production of translated training materials, marketing collateral and knowledge-base compilation along with graphical presentations or demos skewed either for agent or customer access. On-line or on-site training sessions and supportive collaboration are available for individual or team orientation and on-going training.