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The case for interaction:

Wherever people happen to be, you can build a client relationship that gives you a big advantage. On-demand presence can make that competitive difference.

Leading merchants stand apart by merging all the skilled and technical resources now available world-wide. Studies prove that responsive customer service is second only to price in the market's  selection process .

Omnisyn recognizes customer interaction and relationship management as a critical part of an increasingly competitive and global marketplace. Experience and projections show that global market penetration is still dependant upon a client-driven rather than product-driven approach to business.

Direct contact with your customer is invaluable. On-demand support 
can make your marketing strategies more compelling in the following ways:

On-demand Support Services

Multi-Lingual Support Layer - In addition to your tier one support we can integrate a live translator on-demand into a conference call or chat. If you prefer we can provide an entire support team to be trained to handle your multi-lingual clients. Omnisyn live support is located in Asia-Pacific, Europe and elsewhere to leverage the time differential in providing competitive sales, service and technical support 24/7/365.

CRM/CIM Integration - We implement the leading eCRM and CIM applications to provide a seamless customer support experience. Customer acquisition and retention is enhanced through a stream-lined client management process. Every customer interaction is automatically archived and protected in secure redundant databases for retrieval, monotoring and management review.

CRM/CIM Implementation - Omnisyn provides multi-lingual training and production of translated training materials, marketing collateral and knowledge-base compilation along with graphical presentations or demos skewed either for agent or customer access. On-line or on-site training sessions and supportive collaboration are available for individual or team orientation and on-going training.

Omnisyn International

compelling interactions.

Pilot Program Offer

Omnisyn can implement a trial customer interaction package for you today. We will help you to select and install an entry level program that fits your enterprise within a couple of hours! Choose from the following and contact us live for whitepapers or a consultation right now:






Live Person


Looking for something in particular?

Live Support can help you find what you might be looking for on one of our business resource sites.

If you prefer, feel free to arrange for a consultation and a specialist will contact you at your convenience.

compelling interactions.

Contact us at



Omnisyn LLC

One Urban Centre

4830 West Kennedy Blvd, Suite 600

Tampa, FL 33609

United States

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